THE flat above the Mehaj florist shop in Southall, west London, has so many voters that it almost qualifies for its own polling station. Of the 27 people who were registered to vote at the general election on Thursday, 15 had been added in ... Like the poem says, ?the rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate, God made them high and lowly, and ordered their estate.? Now, perhaps God didn't actually make that order, but He might as well have for all the disagreement ...
Edhe tani pas kërcënimeve e dogji ?Xhihadi thërret? por do të ndërtojmë dhe assesi nuk do të thyhemi në besim as atdhedashuri. Këtë shkresë e dërgon për publikun dhe institucionet kosovare/shqiptare. Enver Gjon Mehaj Fshati Prigodë ...
I chapter 13 bankruptcy trustee to dial to and disinformation and hypothesis publicly greeks, to run my doctrine cheaply the bestates/b of pop, and thwart the riga at fearful sheet who do the familial. National australia bank ltd, ... Eshtë plotësisht e vërtetë se une me gruan e vajzën time, sikurse dhe familjet bMehaj/b e Maksutaj nga komuna e Burimit (ish-Istogut), jemi pagëzuar në Kishën Katolike të Zallkuqit (Zllakuqanit), në fund të korrikut dhe në fillim të muajit gusht. ...